Boulderfield Educational Consultants:

Boulderfield Educational Consultants (BEC) is a flexible and innovative small academic consulting company focused exclusively on supporting community college needs.

We provide our 2-year institutional clients with actionable guidance, tailored processes, and customized, adaptable automated tools to enhance the operational efficiency of academic and student services administration.

My Emphasis:

As a fundamental business strategy, Boulderfield Educational Consultants provides consulting and training in the automation of complex and frequently repetitive educational/institutional tasks using the Microsoft Office suite of products, in particular, Microsoft Excel. I practice what I preach. As company founder and former academic Dean/Director at several two-year institutions, I have decades of experience in recommending solutions to the challenges facing many community colleges. Through identification of academic process inefficiences, I have applied Excel to execute a diverse array of tasks to address such obstacles and improve institutional effectiveness. I have been recognized as a well-respected, college-wide “go-to” expert in this area throughout my career.

Academic Consulting

I realize that there are other competitors in the workplace that offer services similar to mine. Therefore, as a small company, I must strive harder to be customer-responsive and to provide what I believe to be the best package of knowledge, experience, and training in my chosen specialty. Hopefully I will not only meet but exceed your expectations.

Boulderfield along Grizzly Creek trail,
White River National Forest
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