Services Offered by BEC:
My years of hands-on experience in community college instruction, management, and leadership spans many aspects of academic administration. Rather than attempt to give a comprehensive list of the services I can offer your institution, the general descriptions below essentially capture BEC’s primary strengths:
- Review and identification of process and systemic inefficiencies, and recommendations for process improvement (e.g., academic scheduling, program review, faculty load)
- Propose heightened use of existing institutional data to support various academic procedures and policies (e.g., enrollment, advising, registration, credit hour audits)
- Assist college assessment practitioners in retooling, as necessary, their assessment program methodology (course, general education, program, and institutional student learning outcomes)
- Facilitate college, divisional, or departmental strategic planning conversations
- Create user-friendly custom software tools using Microsoft Excel combined with other Office applications as needed to support any existing processes
- Provide training for staff, faculty, and administrators in the fundamental use of Microsoft Excel’s little-known embedded features for creation of useful administrative tools
I understand the current issues facing community colleges. I have worked with several campuses to develop improved processes using their data and their existing technology base to reduce workload and improve the effectiveness of staff members across many different divisions and areas of the college.
Improvements are accomplished by eliminating repetitive and tedious tasks through customized automated systems. Software developed to support these systems integrates directly with the current data management ERP structure to allow staff to focus on more personal student engagement activities or higher-level strategic initiatives that are more likely to increase student retention and success.
How BEC Works with Institutions
BEC is not simply a software company. I collaborate directly with your administrative leaders, faculty, and staff to evaluate and recommend the most appropriate system workflow (using a value stream mapping VSM approach) for your most challenging initiatives. This can only be accomplished through a complete understanding of the college’s current environment, and the vision of where the institution wants to be.
Before any process enhancements can be proposed, significant listening/discussion with all stakeholders in the process is required to determine a viable course of action. Then, if appropriate, custom software through Microsoft Office applications that support these processes can be developed. Iteration and “tweaking” of these automated tools in collaboration with the ultimate users is performed until complete satisfaction is obtained.
Each software suite I develop is unique to each community college client; therefore you will not need to “shoehorn” your processes to fit the software. The software follows the process, rather than the other way around as with so many commercial software packages. I also offer training in the software tools we jointly develop to ensure that your staff receives the greatest benefit from my involvement. And, of course, I am committed to the ongoing support of our mutual project and your satisfaction.
Training in Microsoft Excel

My former clients have also expressed a desire to learn more about the features of Microsoft Office (particularly Excel) so that they can leverage its power in creating their own custom applications. I also am happy to provide short courses in this knowledge area targeted toward specific topics using examples that pertain specifically to the uniqueness of community college operations.

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